Lost-n-Found is real winner of tonight’s Big Gay Game Show


Big Gay Game Show
Wednesday, May 16
Third Wednesday of each month
7:30 – 10:30 p.m.
2115 Faulkner Road
Atlanta, GA 30324

Lost-n-Found, Inc.
Hotline: 678-8-Lost-25
Non-emergency: 678-856-7824

“The Big Gay Game Show has a spontaneity you don’t get from more scripted performances,” says Jason Fasi, corporate secretary for Lost-n-Found Youth. “There’s an aura of suspense when waiting to hear the Match Game panelists come up with an answer, or the Family Feud teams have their say. It’s a great energy, and you never know what crazy thing will be said next.”

Fasi says last month’s Big Gay Game Show saw almost 100 audience members and raised just under $1,000. The night was highlighted by GA Voice’s own Topher Payne, who served on the Match Game celebrity panel as Sarah Palin.

“I can’t believe he didn’t crack himself up,” Fasi adds. “I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us as Liza [Minnelli], but he’s warned us that it involves lots of sequins.”

Payne joins Todd Baxter as Rip Taylor, Dragnique 3 winner Edie Cheezburger, drag personality Brent Star, community activist Laura Gentle and GA Voice art director and “Hot Minute” host Bo Shell for this month’s event Match Game event.

(And yes, writing in third person comes naturally to me.)

Funds for the homeless LGBT youth organization are raised through door covers, food sales from the Fifth Ivory Public House and from the sales of Jell-O shots and popcorn.

Fasi estimates that Lost-N-Found has raised about $17,000 from various events since late 2011. They have helped over 45 LGBT youth. Some 35 of those were offered and accepted housing at the organization’s home.

“Individuals and businesses in Atlanta’s LGBT community have been generous to Lost-n-Found, but to keep doing our work and allocate our resources effectively, Lost-n-Found needs more recurring monthly donors and a predictable budget,” Fasi says. “If we knew our monthly minimum expenditures were covered, it would go a long way to helping us plan for the future.”

Fasi adds that Lost-n-Found is also hoping for more volunteers who are interested in getting to know the LGBT youth in the program and helping them succeed.

“Many of these youth have not had adults in their lives to transition them into the responsibility of adult life, and I have seen firsthand how they benefit from having a friend and mentor to help them,” he says.

In addition to volunteers, Lost-n-Found also maintains a list of items in need that includes gift cards, furniture, housewares, food, office supplies and a bevy of donated services.