Newt Gingrich FINALLY suspended his GOP presidential bid today amid dreams of moon colonies and hating on Barack Obama.

Gingrich didn't explicitly endorse his opponent, Mitt Romney, in his farewell speech/lecture today. (A full endorsement is forthcoming, apparently.) But Romney apparently tried to play nice, even though he and Gingrich are as likely friends in real life as Sharon Needles is with, well, any other drag queen who gets in her way.

Romney tweeted this after Newt's farewell speech today:

 .@NewtGingrich has brought creativity and intellectual vitality to American political life. Proud to call him a friend.

[Video] The best reaction to Romney’s response to Gingrich’s presidential pull out

Shep Smith had a reaction to Mitt’s response that, coming from Fox News, actually seems fair and balanced and, yes, quite true. Just watch.