1. A trade newspaper for Chicago’s taxi industry is threatening to Uber five alderman out of the closet unless the City Council bans ride-sharing services like that one, Lyft and Sidecar. Luckily our city council is super gay and gay-friendly already.
2. A Colorado pastor and radio show host says that Satan is using the movie “Frozen” to indoctrinate children to be gay. So, ya know…that happened.
3. “(W)hen you talk about ‘the gay community,’ you are talking about MY community.” “Game of Thrones” actor Kristian Nairn, who plays gentle giant Hodor, comes out.
4. Another day, another gay snub at a St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Cincinnati parade organizers are not allowing Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network to march.
5. Rainbows and unicorns forever! CNN has a profile on Big Gay Ice Cream, a quickly expanding business started by a New York man and his partner.
(Publicity photo)