1. Business Insider lists the top 10 brands for LGBT Americans.
2. Time Magazine on how gay life in America has changed over the past 50 years.
3. Family Research Council official Ken Blackwell said yesterday that the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage is “just as pivotal” as 9/11, World War II and the Civil War.
4. Nick Jonas is replacing Iggy Azalea as the headliner at a Pittsburgh LGBT Pride event after pressure from LGBT advocacy groups over past anti-LGBT remarks Azalea made.
5. VIDEO OF THE DAY: “I love this story so much I want to take it to Franklin Graham’s new bank and marry it…if it’s a lady.” Rachel Maddow last night having some fun with the story on evangelist Franklin Graham pulling his accounts from Wells Fargo because they featured a same-sex couple in an ad, then moving his business to possibly even more LGBT-friendly BB&T.