AGenda Benda Justice is a budding organization started by Cole Thomas that seeks to bring awareness and resources to bullied children, teens and adults; LGBTQ people seeing access to healthcare; single parents of color; and masculine-identified women.

Thomas, who is currently raising funds to produce her play, “Lying in Bed,” says the name AGenda Benda Justice fits with the gender bending she herself embraces as a masculine-identified female. The capitol “AG” gives tribute to women who identify as “aggressives” — women, primarily black women, who prefer to dress in traditional male attire.

Ensuring masculine-identified women get health screenings, such as pap smears and mammograms, is also important to Thomas, who will post to her own Facebook page photos of herself at the doctor’s office. AGenda Benda Justice is also part of The Health Initiative’s “Stud Health Project” geared toward African-American masculine-identified gay females.

AGenda Benda Justice helps Atlanta’s masculine-identified gay women

“People need to understand we need a safe space to go,” Thomas says. “AGenda Benda Justice wants to help you discover the inside stories of organizations …. to understand how politics of class, race, sexual orientation, and gender expression impact who is targeted for care and who is funded for research and treatment — medical and otherwise,” Thomas states on the group’s Facebook page.

AGenda Benda Justice