“On the cover of Newsweek under M. Bachmann’s picture it said ‘Queen of Rage,’ but there is only ‘One Raging Queen’ in her house!”
Actress, singer and gay rights advocate Cher, continuing her Twitter war with GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann. Bachmann’s husband, Marcus Bachmann, runs a therapy practice that attempts to convert gays and has been the subject of Internet rumors that he is gay himself. (Towleroad.com, Aug. 14)
“When did everybody get lumped in with the gays? You know what I mean? … When did we start giving a shit about [transgender] people? … And shouldn’t [LGBT] be something that spells something, like YUCK?”
— Comedian Adam Carolla, ranting on his Aug. 11 podcast about the term “LGBT” and the Change.org petition that wants to see Ernie and Bert get married on “Sesame Street.” Carolla will podcast live from the Tabernacle in Atlanta on Sept. 30. (GLAAD.org. Aug. 15)