A Dollar Will Make Them Holler Melissa Carter Outspoken September 8, 2023 0I don’t know where it started. Was it my grandmother? Her mother? A paternal influence of some kind? Regardless, my...
Beware of Scammers Melissa Carter Outspoken July 6, 2023 0She was embarrassed to tell me, and once she did, I understood why. My friend of 20 years, a smart...
Rely on Yourself Melissa Carter Outspoken June 1, 2023 0I knew I was gay in junior high school. Many people who have that certainty so young usually experience the...
Lawn Darts Melissa Carter Outspoken May 4, 2023 0I recently had “the talk” with my 8-year-old son, but it’s not the type of talk you’re probably thinking of:...
The Pervasiveness of Antiwoman Prejudice Melissa Carter Outspoken March 17, 2023 0Last month, CNN’s Don Lemon said of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley that the 51-year-old “isn’t in her prime” and...
Judy Blume and Self-Love Melissa Carter Outspoken February 2, 2023 0As I enter the phase of life where my period is ending, how appropriate now to look back at my...
Not Getting Around Melissa Carter Outspoken January 6, 2023 0We took Mr. Carter to Walt Disney World for the first time last March. The original trip was planned for...
They Stood Me Up! Melissa Carter Outspoken December 1, 2022 0I spent the morning preparing, taking notes and studying articles and YouTube videos. I showered, took time with my hair...
Transgender Talk Melissa Carter Outspoken November 3, 2022 0I remember asking my mother when my penis was going to grow. Bless her heart, Millie Pete just nodded and...
My Son’s Pride Melissa Carter Outspoken October 6, 2022 0A staff member at my son’s school emailed me shortly after classes returned in August. She listened to me on...
My Conditioned Traveler’s Reluctance Melissa Carter Outspoken September 8, 2022 0I have to be coerced into traveling. I have friends who begin planning for their next trip the day they...