Charis Books & More along with the group Real Colored Girls hosts another installment in its ongoing discussion titled “Creating Our Own Legacies” about how black women are portrayed in the media. Atlanta resident and media mogul Tyler Perry and his film “For Colored Girls” starring Janet Jackson and Whoopi Goldberg among others is the catalyst for the discussions.
Today’s discussion is led by community activist L’Erin Asantewaa who asks black women to “continue envisioning and creating a world in which positive, healthy and whole representations of black women exist in widely accessible formats.”
There will be poetry, writing as well as discussion to “explore our personal and interconnected spiritual, intellectual and cultural life legacies.”
Real Colored Girls: Creating Our Own Legacies
April 14, 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
Charis Books & More
1189 Euclid Ave.
Atlanta, GA 30307