Lolita Teddy / Photo via Instagram

One on One with a Brand-New Drag Queen

Drag is a special pillar of the queer community unlike any other. It’s an art form where people can feel free from judgment to express themselves as they truly are. Drag represents an opportunity for many, like Lolita Teddy, to find confidence in themselves and pursue the lives they want to lead.

Lolita talked with Georgia Voice after her first drag performance at The Rex Factor Open Drag at Mary’s to discuss what the experience was truly like for her.


You’re only 23 and about as new to the scene as it gets; you just had your debut performance less than two weeks ago! How does it feel?

It feels amazing to finally do it and just to have done it in general. It’s an amazing experience.


How long was drag something that you thought you might be interested in, and how long was it before it became something that you knew you would do?

I’d been interested in it since I was like, I think I was 15, back in high school. I had actually been practicing my makeup since then and even stuff to do with hair and outfits and all. To finally do it after almost eight years [of dreaming about it] is just everything.


How long ago did you make the decision to make your debut?

As soon as I realized there was an opportunity for an open drag show, I was like, ‘I might as well finally do it.’ I had a little bit more confidence than I used to, and I have more moral support and just support in general around me, so why not?


What inspired you to go from patron to performer?

I just, like any drag performer, how could I not love attention?! You’re literally performing in front of a whole audience of people. It’s just always something I’ve been captivated by, especially after seeing it in person after a while, I just had to see myself do that same thing as well and partake and be a part of the community more than ever.


You say the idea has been eight years in the making. What were some of the difficulties you faced as you were making the decision to finally go for it?

I would say the biggest one was probably support and knowing where to start honestly. There were no real directions of “Ok go here. Start here. Talk to this person.” Those types of things are really helpful for me. So, I think finally going out to more queer spaces really helped with that and building more support. Also, finally coming to terms more with my gender identity and not feeling like I’m performing my gender. I am my gender, and then I am performing.


Who were the people that gave you that support and helped you know it was possible?

I would start off with my partner Riley, they’ve been super supportive about anything I do. They’ve been a rock for me especially with going out more in social settings and exploring more queer spaces. Aside from them, my old friend from when I was 15, we used to get up in drag, get our faces beat all the time, and perform at their house. Henry is their name, they’re just amazing.


Many people in the community find drag to be more than just a show. It’s a space and style that’s curated by us and for us in the queer community. It’s a safe space for self-expression, it’s a celebration of identity for some people, a time for union in the community. Before you made it to the stage, what did drag mean for you as a queer person?

I would say, in the words of RuPaul, drag is every day. It’s how you decide to present to society, it’s about how you dress, it’s how you decide to be perceived in the world – whether it be in person, online, when you go to work, when you go to the grocery store or wherever. I feel like, drag to me at this point in my life is just about showing up as yourself whether it be performing on stage or presenting yourself to the world.


Take me back to the night of your debut. You’ve talked a lot about identity. I’ve heard in some cases of performers when they get into drag, they get into character, while some people are just getting into their true self. What was your headspace like for the first time? 

For me, it wasn’t like uncovering my full self, but I was getting into a part of me, you could say like an enhanced version of me – especially with the style that I performed with that night. Aside from that it still feels like me at the end of the day. Not to say that I perform my gender identity, but it is perceived to a degree that there’s a certain way I have to look.


Would you mind talking a little more about what that style is? Who is Lolita Teddy? You said it’s a part of you. What part of you is that?

I would say it’s the part of me that wants to be hyper feminine and wants to be sexy all the time. Almost like a cat woman energy – alluring, I guess.


Have you thought much about how far you’ll go with drag?

I would say I do want to take it as far as I can. That doesn’t necessarily mean I have to be on TV one day. At the end of the day, I just want to connect with the community and that’s really my goal. Wherever I am to do drag, I just want to be able to say I was there and made family and friends as much as possible.


Do you ever think about being an inspiration for people who may have trouble getting over the hump?

I do think about it every so often, especially as someone who I would say is hyper feminine as well as someone who is trans and of Mexican descent. I want to be an inspiration and someone to look up to, but I know at the end of the day, I’m still human and I’ll mess up and have my moments. But I do want to inspire people and say, “Hey if you can see yourself in me to whatever degree and that inspires you that’s awesome.”