Weir finds love in Atlanta

Johnny Weir is getting married to an Atlanta boy. Weir, who rarely discusses his private life, told GA Voice that he has been coming to Atlanta regularly to court his boyfriend.

“My boyfriend, fiancé now, has only recently come out and he’s 28 years old and it’s been an uncomfortable, rocky road for him,” Weir says.

Although Weir is widely known for his flamboyant style, he’s rather reserved in the rest of his life. Weir announced his engagement on Twitter in late October to an Atlanta based lawyer of Russian descent. The Russian connection isn’t surprising considering that Weir is a self-described Russophile.

“We’re a typical relationship that you would see on a sitcom, only we’re two gay men,” Weir says.

While he’s been coming to Atlanta regularly for a while, the New Jersey based skater hasn’t been seen in any of the city’s clubs, and there’s a reason for that.

“I can’t remember the last time I saw the inside of a night club for fun,” Weir says. “We don’t go out at all.”

They do however hit other iconic spots in Atlanta, and the fashion diva has developed a respect for Atlanta’s sense of style.

“I do love how the Atlanta queens will wear high heels all day. I see them in Phipps and Lenox, and I just admire them for that,” he says.