“We’re Here,” a new unscripted series on HBO, highlights the talents of Bob the Drag Queen (Caldwell Tidicue), Eureka O’Hara (David Huggard) and Shangela Laquifa Wadley (D.J. Pierce). In six weekly episodes, debuting on April 23, the three queens visit a small town and recruit local residents to participate in a one-night only drag show. They break out the wigs and high heels and provide their new drag daughters with support and empowerment as they encourage them to step outside their comfort zone for a night of no-holds-barred, full-on drag.
The first episode takes the queens to Gettysburg, Pa., where they help a conservative Christian mother reconnect with her daughter who recently came out as bisexual. Subsequent episodes are set in Twin Falls, Idaho, where the queens help a trans man and his wife renew their wedding vows in style; Branson, Mo., where they help a classically trained actor express himself as a gay man; and, other small towns across America.
The series is directed by Peter LoGreco (“Dogs of War”).
Story courtesy of the Washington Blade.