The Third Friday Film Series continues this month with a screening of the critically acclaimed and award-winning documentary “Southern Comfort.”
The film centers around Robert Eads, a trans man with ovarian cancer living in rural North Georgia who is unable to get the medical treatment he needs due to bias and discrimination.
After the film there will be a discussion led by Franky Capobianco, owner and chef of Nawlins restaurant and Capobianco Bakery and Market and who is also the vice president of the Dr. Maxwell Anderson Foundation. Anderson, now deceased, was a friend of Eads and is featured in the documentary.
Also speaking tonight will be Cas Piotrowski, who was also in the film and was a friend of Eads.
“Southern Comfort”
Friday, Nov. 18
Doors open at 7, film starts at 7:30 p.m. sharp
Refreshments available
Donations are welcomed — $1 to $10 sliding scale
No one turned away
First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta
470 Candler Park Dr., NE, Atlanta, GA 30307