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Atlanta Pride is the Ninth Best Pride in the Country, New Research Shows

Atlanta ranks as one of the top ten Pride events in the country, according to research from In My Area (IMA).

Just ahead of Pride month, IMA released research detailing the best cities in the U.S. to celebrate Pride. Atlanta ranked ninth in the country, scoring an average rating of 7.87 out of 10. Atlanta beat out Key West (7.81) but fell behind San Francisco (7.88), Los Angeles (7.89), Boston (7.9), Denver (7.91), Seattle (7.94), Columbus (8.01), New York City (8.02), and the best city to celebrate Pride, Washington, D.C. (8.2).

While Washington, D.C. was found to be the overall favorite, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco performed better when participants were asked to hypothetically choose only one city to attend their next Pride event in. 21 percent of respondents chose New York City, 16 percent chose Los Angeles, and 11 percent chose San Francisco. Only three percent chose Atlanta.

Graphic courtesy of IMA

New York City was also the most popular parade among participants who had attended two or more Pride events.

Participants were also asked what part of Pride they enjoyed the most. Live music was by far the number one draw, taking the top spot. Following live music came parades, parties, family-friendly activities, political activism, art exhibits, and celebrity attendance.

The data was collected from a sample of 1,521 American adults over the age of 18. Of the people surveyed, 70 percent had ever attended a Pride event. Participants were given a list of fifteen city choices to select from when answering questions.