Gov. Nathan Deal continues to face intense scrutiny over his decision not to accept federal funding for Medicaid expansion for lower income Georgia residents, and activists are visiting the Capitol no Feb. 20 to call for Deal to reverse his decision. The 7th Annual Legislate THIS! Is a day of action and lobby event where citizens will engage legislative officials about the issue.
The day is a partnership between SPARK Reproductive Justice, Strong Families and the Atlanta chapter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Key public policy leaders, social justice groups and youth will take part in the dialogue and all are invited.
There are roughly 650,000 Georgia residents living without insurance who could have it if the federal funds were accepted, and the LGBT community makes up a significant portion of that group. This is the second rally at the Capitol about this issue so far this year, following the Moral Mondays event last month.
“It’s not okay that low-income uninsured Georgians are forced to choose between getting necessary x-rays, buying vital prescriptions or paying their rent,” SPARK Reproductive Justice executive director Malika Redmond said in a statement. “Governor Deal has an opportunity to change the health destiny of more than 600,000 citizens by saying yes to Medicaid Expansion.”
In addition to speeches by representatives from each of the participating groups, there will be musical performances including activist, poet and songstress Monica Simpson and spoken word artist Yani & The Peace People.
7th Annual Legislate THIS!
Feb. 20 at 9 a.m.
Georgia State Capitol
206 Washington St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30334