The Queer Justice League, a local LGBT action advocacy organization, announced plans to protest an upcoming leadership conference held by Chick-fil-A at the Georgia World Congress Center on Friday, May 6. The planned protest/demonstration is spurred by corporate donations to anti-gay groups from the fast food chain.

According to spokesperson Art Izzard, QJL will demonstrate outside of the GWCC and hand out literature to attendees.

“We feel if Chick-fil-A really wants to 'talk the talk' for leadership and change they should 'walk the walk' and adopt a corporate policy that protects all their employees from discrimination regardless of the legal requirements of a specific jurisdiction,” Izzard said in a press release.

Atlanta’s Queer Justice League plans protest against Chick-fil-A

The QJL is also considering a direct mail campaign targeting the conference speakers. “If we’re lucky we may be able to get some of the speakers who are friendly to our cause to mention LGBTQ equality during their conference presentations,” Izzard added.

GetEqual, a national LGBT advocacy group, will participate in the demonstration, as well.

For more information about the Queer Justice League, please visit