“Ann helped put our organization on the map. Politics is full of the meek, the compromising and the apologists – Ann, like GOProud, is the exact opposite of all of those things. We need more Ann Coulters,” Barron added.
Coulter’s official title — I’m not making this up — will be “Gay Icon.” I could think of another title for her, but it wouldn’t be suitable for print.
Still, Coulter is stoked about her new role:
“I am honored to serve in this capacity on GOProud’s Advisory Council, and look forward to being the Queen of Fabulous,” said Coulter via GOProud.
Coulter made waves in conservative circles last year when she headlined GOProud’s inaugural Homocon event. Conservative “news” outlet World Net Daily dropped Coulter from its list of contributors and questioned her conservative principles over her appearance at the conference. Coulter didn’t shy away from the criticism though, saying that World Net Daily editor Joseph Farah was simply stirring up controversy to get hits to his website.
What do you think? Is Ann Coulter an ally and can you actually be an ally if you don’t support marriage equality?
Top photo: Ann Coulter spoke to gay conservatives last year at GOProud’s inaugural Homocon (photo via anncoulter.com)