The ad references an article titled “Gov. candidate Karen Handel dogged by past gay support” where e-mail exchanges between Handel and former Georgia Log Cabin president Marc Yeager highlight her support of domestic partner benefits, and Yeager says she also told him she supported gay adoptions. Yeager also claimed Handel was a member of the organization for at least two years, something she has since denied.
The lead-up to the July 20 primary has exposed just how far GOP candidates will go to bring down their opponents. With a slew of television attack ads hitting the air in the past week attacking and counter-attacking one another, the candidates have made LGBT issues (and their non-support of them) a central focus of the race.
None of the candidates come out looking good. Oxendine has shady ethics and is under investigation, while Handel might have been a solid moderate Republican choice before going on the defensive and denying her past involvement with Log Cabin.
f/t AJC