Log Cabin expands board, promises to ‘strengthen Republican party’

“With great pleasure I welcome these individuals to the Log Cabin Republicans Board of Directors. While these names may be new additions to our board, they are not newcomers when it comes to supporting the ideals of LCR. We are very fortunate to have their many years of experience and their expertise guiding our organization, and I look forward to working with each of them to continue growing and strengthening Log Cabin and the Republican Party during these next critical years.”

Newly elected LCR board members:

Jennifer Breitinger, President of JWB Associates, a government relations firm in Minnesota established in 1995. Jennifer’s clients include a broad range of corporations and non-profits, including Project 515, an organization dedicated to ending discrimination against gays and lesbians. Jennifer assisted with the Minnesotans United for All Families campaign, which was instrumental in defeating the recent proposed constitutional ban on same sex marriage in that state. Jennifer resides in Minneapolis with her husband, John, and daughter, Eva. She has a political science degree from American University and a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School.

Mitchell Cantor, managing partner at The Law Offices of Mitchell Cantor in New York, New York. Mitchell also serves as President of the Board of Directors of the American Friends of the Chateau de Saint-Cloud and is a member of the Board of the American Friends of the Chateau de Compiegne. He is also active in numerous other cultural and community organizations. Mr. Cantor holds both a B.A. and a M.A. from The University of Pennsylvania, and received his J.D. from Temple University’s Beasley School of Law. He has a home in Natchez, Mississippi.

Bob Kabel, a lawyer and consultant in Washington, D.C. at the global law firm of Faegre Baker Daniels and its consulting division, FaegreBD Consulting. Bob currently serves as the Republican National Committeeman for The District of Columbia, and previously served eight years as Chairman of the D.C. Republican Committee. Bob is a former Chairman of Log Cabin Republicans and the Liberty Education Forum.

Victoria Kerley, a sales professional from Dallas, Texas, who previously served almost three years on the San Diego Log Cabin Republicans Board of Directors, including a year and a half as Chapter President.

Jo-Anne Prokopowicz Sears, a defense and intelligence expert, military spouse of a combat veteran, and mother. Prokopowicz Sears was assigned to the Department of State as a spokesperson during the George W. Bush Administration. Her portfolio included counter-terrorism, diplomatic security, and Central Asia. She has worked at the grassroots level for the Republican Party for over two decades, was the Executive Director for the Young Republicans in Virginia, and was an alternate delegate for George W. Bush at the 2000 GOP Convention in Philadelphia, representing Virginia’s 8th Congressional District. She and her family reside in Northern Virginia.

Rich Weissman, President and CEO of an international technology company. Rich has many academic degrees focusing on statistics and research. In addition to his involvement in the Log Cabin Republicans, he is also a member of the leadership of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Weissman resides in Portland, Oregon and is the proud father of two children and married his partner two years ago.