Baker and the Beauty – ABC’s New LGBT Friendly Show Jim Farmer Arts and Community May 3, 2020 0Based on the popular Israeli series, “Beauty and the Baker,” ABC’s new show, “The Baker and the Beauty,” has proved...
‘Modern Family’ Comes to an End; Co-creators Talk Potential Spinoff Georgia Voice Culture April 10, 2020 0After 11 seasons, 22 Emmy Awards, and 12 Golden Globe nominations, ABC’s Modern Family has finally come to an end....
5 LGBT things you need to know today, May 16 Georgia Voice 5 LGBT Things May 16, 2017 01. The Democratic National Committee named its new CEO late last week. Meet her here. 2. According to the latest...
Making America hopeful again: Dustin Lance Black on ‘When We Rise’ Chris Azzopardi Culture February 16, 2017 0With an emotionally resonant acceptance speech, Dustin Lance Black accepted the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 2009 for “Milk,”...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, Jan. 26 Georgia Voice 5 LGBT Things January 26, 2017 01. Singer Lily Allen is under fire for using the phrase “fags hate Trump” in a recent social media post,...
How a transgender Atlanta boy ended up on ABC’s ‘Modern Family’ Patrick Saunders Culture October 18, 2016 0It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Atlanta Pride and 8-year-old Jackson Millarker is having a blast running around the playground...
ABC’s ‘Modern Family’ to feature transgender Atlanta child actor Patrick Saunders Culture September 26, 2016 0Another LGBT pop culture barrier is set to fall and one Atlanta boy is the one making it happen. Variety...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, Dec. 14 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things December 14, 2015 01. “You’re a motherfucking faggot. … You’re a fucking faggot, Billy.” A second NBA referee has come out as gay,...
5 LGBT things you needs to know today, Aug. 14 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things August 14, 2015 01. “According to transgender advocacy groups, at least 13 trans women have been killed so far this year. Eleven of...
Bruce Jenner is transgender, and it’s a big deal Vandy Beth Glenn Culture April 29, 2015 0Here’s a panel from Mad Magazine’s parody of the 1970s “Incredible Hulk” TV show, which appeared in issue No. 204...
National LGBT orgs react to Bruce Jenner coming out as transgender on ABC Dyana Bagby National April 25, 2015 0On Friday, Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner was interviewed by ABC’s Diane Sawyer and revealed he is indeed a transgender woman....