You probably know the fine folks at Nielsen for their TV ratings, but now they've just gotten out of hand, giving me (and probably you) a domestic read-down by accurately painting a picture of my unknowingly stereotypical existence.
In a survey published Jan. 30, the marketing measure wizards announced that same-sex partnered households make 16 percent more shopping trips and spend an average of $1,753 more on consumer packaged goods than the average U.S. household.
December is the time to eat, drink and be merry, but sometimes it’s a challenge to look beyond your favorites for your special toast.
We asked the experts at Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits to recommend the best, with price tags from under $10 to almost $5,000 per bottle. Check out these suggestions for casual drinkers and connoisseurs.
I grew up in South Carolina. Known for its awesomely backwoods political mentality, South Carolina, at least in my lifetime, has always been an experiment in near-unchecked conservative-minded politics.
If you wonder where people like Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann find support, you need look no further than my hometown and small towns like it across the Palmetto state.
Where I'm from, Democrats don't win elections. If you want to win, join the GOP, run in their primary, beat your opponents and run unopposed in November. It's how politics are played there, especially in local elections.