A report in the Wall Street Journal questions whether the baby cured of HIV who made headlines last week around the globe actually had the virus to begin with.
Mark J. Siedner, a postdoctoral fellow in the division of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, writes in a March 11 story for the WSJ that the real story of the baby and her mother, from Mississippi, was revealed at an Atlanta HIV conference last week.
The story behind the "miracle" baby from Siedner:
Chase and Renie VanderEls gave birth September 15 to their first child, Zola Meriel, at Piedmont Hospital. GA Voice Publisher, Chris Cash, one of four grandmas to Zola, claims the child is "the most beautiful and intelligent child to ever be born, period." We don't dispute our Publisher's word around here so you can expect incredible things from Zola M. VanderEls... as soon as she learns how to hold her head up and feed herself.
Learn about your options at ‘Maybe Baby,’ an educational discussion hosted by MEGA Family Project