Watching the United States turn into a full-fledged plutocracy, headed by an orange puppet of corporate business, hideously supported by...
Fresh from the heels of the popular Hardee's/Carl's Jr. promotion earlier this month promoting the new Spiderman flick by giving away free food to customers who came into locations dressed as the comic hero, Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A will offer visitors who dress up as a cow free food on Friday, July 13.
Chick-filet-A is calling the giveaway "Cow Appreciation Day," and will give a free meal to those who come into their locations dressed as a cow from “head to hoof.” Customers who come in wearing a cow-accessory, like a hat or tail, will be given a free sandwich.
Gay rights activists are hoping to use the promotion to draw attention to Chick-fil-A's history of political donations to anti-gay organizations and causes.