The only child of world-renowned pop duo Sonny and Cher Bono, Chaz is remembered by many of us as their cherub-faced daughter Chastity, blowing kisses to the audience of her parents top-rated variety television show “Sonny & Cher.”
In 1995, Chaz was outed as a lesbian.
But this time Chaz is in control, and on his own volition has announced he’s legally a man, and will now appear on the 13th season of “Dancing with the Stars,” premiering Sept. 19.
But not everyone is cheering, and ABC is catching some of the fallout.
While gay and lesbian characters are increasingly visible on TV, the biggest news of upcoming fall fare is the rare addition of a transgender person — a household name, to boot — on one of the most mainstream programs of them all.
Chaz Bono competes in the new season of “Dancing With the Stars,” airing Mondays and Tuesdays starting Sept. 19 on ABC. Bono was known to millions as Chastity before undergoing surgery to become a man.
Matt Kane, associate director of entertainment media for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, says the inclusion of Bono is a tremendous step forward, especially since there tend to be few transgender characters on the tube.