New Documentary Follows Life of Gay Disney Songwriter Howard Ashman Katie Burkholder Culture August 7, 2020 0A new documentary follows the life and career of Howard Ashman, the gay man who penned some of the Disney’s...
New Pixar Short Film is First to Have Openly LGBTQ Main Character Katie Burkholder Culture May 23, 2020 0A new animated short film about a man coming out to his family that premiered on Disney+ yesterday (May 22)...
Atlanta-Filmed Jungle Cruise Omits “Gay” from Coming Out Scene Katie Burkholder Culture December 27, 2018 0Jungle Cruise is set to make history as the first Disney movie with an openly gay character – however, the...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, March 2 Georgia Voice 5 LGBT Things March 2, 2017 01. In a landmark move, the United Nations is sending a human rights expert to Argentina to assess anti-LGBT violence...
Unleashing Garrett Clayton: Former Disney star on becoming porn star Brent Corrigan in ‘King Cobra’ Chris Azzopardi Culture November 10, 2016 0“Do they like biting lips? Do they like using more tongue?” To play former gay porn mogul Brent Corrigan, it...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, Aug. 25 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things August 25, 2016 01. “It was incredible to see how our community came together in the wake of the senseless Pulse shooting. We...
Hollywood heavyweights pile on against Georgia’s anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ bill Patrick Saunders Atlanta March 24, 2016 0Hollywood is coming out in force against House Bill 757, the anti-LGBT so-called “religious freedom” bill that passed both chambers...
Disney, Marvel to leave Georgia if anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ bill passes Patrick Saunders Atlanta March 23, 2016 0The economic fallout from House Bill 757 continues as Disney and its Marvel Studios film unit announced Wednesday that they...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, Oct. 21 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things October 21, 2015 01. “[The doctor] said to tell you, first of all…nobody would do anything to harm your child or make your...
One gay magical weekend at Disney celebrates 25 years Patrick Saunders Community May 14, 2015 0Before Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, there was an online BBS, or bulletin board system. And if you were logged on...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, April 23 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things April 23, 2014 01. “In many ways, Sam made it here, to the draft, because of a steady progression of acts—some unknown to...