Serving the needs of Midtown Atlanta’s dog owners is more than a business for Piedmont Bark owner William Campbell—it’s his life’s calling.
Campbell, who turns 50 this year, used to work in corporate banking, but that all changed 10 years ago when he brought the doggy day care concept to Midtown. This year, Piedmont Bark celebrates its 10th anniversary.
“At the time, the concept of doggy daycare wasn’t the norm,” Campbell says. “We set the pace and the expectations.”
When enough pressure is applied, a piece of coal turns into a diamond. In nature, this process takes a great deal of time. But I saw this same process happen in a matter of days with GiGi.
A couple of years ago, Katie and I adopted a special-needs dog from Adopt-A-Golden Atlanta. GiGi is epileptic and suffers seizures periodically. Based on first impressions, she didn’t seem to be a dog that people were rushing to adopt.
When we first met her she wouldn’t even look at us and withdrew to the protective legs of her foster family. After we adopted her, she spent the first few days hiding in the corner of our kitchen. Her silence and reclusive nature is how she earned the name GiGi after the famed recluse and silent film actress Greta Garbo.