Atlanta fashion guru E. Vincent Martinez, the man behind and, offers five ways for anyone to stay on trend:
Scale & proportion
Says Martinez: “Scale and proportion are big this fall. (Pardon the pun!) Achieve this through an oversized sweater or a large chunky scarf.”
All things leather are in: coats, vests, skirts, pants and accents of all kinds. (No word on harnesses, though!)
Fur or Faux
Fur, especially used as trim, will take you into winter. Wear faux fur to avoid your militant PETA neighbors!
Think burgundy, wine, orange, blue and deep emerald.
Great capes
“If you’re feeling adventurous and fashion forward,” Martinez says, “try a gorgeous Dolce & Gabbana brocade trimmed cape. If that’s way too fashion fast lane for you, Zenga designed very handsome, very tailored ones.”