Maybe they should change the name to the INTERNATIONAL Organization for Marriage. In the wake of massive losses for marriage equality opponents in last week's elections, leaders of the National Organization for Marriage plan to export their anti-gay strategies — especially to the Middle East, where they hope to draw more sympathy.
Tuesday's vote brought the reelection of President Barack Obama, the first sitting president to personally support marriage rights for same-sex couples, and a string of victories on ballot measures for marriage equality.
Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington affirmed the right of gay couples to marry in their states, while Minnesota became the first state to vote down a proposed state constitutional amendment to define marriage as only between one man and one woman.
So what's an organization dedicated to banning gay marriage to do? Apparently, NOM leader Brian Brown's plan is to whine and appeal to religious extremists -- wherever they may find them.
Even before news that President Barack Obama claimed a second term in the White House late last night, Republicans and conservatives had already begun searching for someone, or something, to blame for their candidate's defeat.
With Obama's victory, Democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections going back to 1992.
Early on election night, conservative Fox News pundit Bill O'Reilly blamed the eventual loss on Hurricane Sandy, suggesting the storm which ravaged the northeast just a week ago took all of the momentum out of the hands of former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney.
Projected victories in Ohio, Iowa and Wisconsin secure second term for Obama
It's a gray Election Day in Atlanta, but that's no excuse not to vote. But what should you do after you cast your ballot? Here are 10 ways to pass the time for the rest of the day.
1. Help others vote. Drive a friend or neighbor to the polls, or volunteer to watch their kids at home or their phone at work so they can go. Ask those you know if they have voted and how you can help.
2. Facebook. Join the trend today and post a picture of yourself with your "I'm a Georgia voter" sticker; all the cool kids are doing it. Be sure to post about how easy it was to vote at your precinct (or how worth it if you had to wait in line) to encourage your friends to vote. Then post a few more news links (we suggest this one) or Facebook graphics backing your candidate.
10 ways to pass the day waiting on election results
Local gay groups will host election watch parties tomorrow night to watch the returns in what is shaping up to be a dramatic presidential election.
Amsterdam Atlanta will host a watch party kicking off at 6 p.m. with live coverage on the bar's many video screens. Amsterdam Atlanta is located at 502-A Amsterdam Ave., Atlanta, Georgia 30306.
Georgia Equality, the state's largest LGBT advocacy organization, will host a party at the Phillip Rush Center. Radial Cafe, located next to the Rush Center, will donate a portion of every ticket to Georgia Equality tomorrow night. The party kicks off at 5:30 p.m. and is scheduled until midnight. The Rush Center is located at 1530 DeKalb Ave., Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30307.
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
Campaign strategist James Carville’s tagline for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential race has been a political catchphrase ever since.
“It’s about the empathy, stupid.”
That’s the headline writer Dalia Lithwick used to sum up the importance of President Barack Obama’s May 2012 announcement that he had come to personally support same-sex marriage.
“It’s our equality, stupid.”
Stark contrast in presidential race on gay rights makes this election a no-brainer
Yesterday, gay conservative group Log Cabin Republicans officially endorsed Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney.
Left-leaning gay rights groups blasted the endorsement, saying the LCR had turned its back on the fight for LGBT equality. Out-going U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) also criticized the endorsement in a video posted to Youtube Tuesday. In it, Frank lays out the records of both Romney and his VP pick Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) on gay issues to poke holes in the LCR endorsement.
Ben Adler from The Nation did a little digging and speculates that LCR Executive Director R. Clarke Cooper was given assurances by the Romney campaign that the candidate would support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) as president. Such assurances helped convince LCR to endorse, Adler suggests.