5 LGBT things you need to know today, June 30 Georgia Voice 5 LGBT Things June 30, 2017 01. Congratulations, Germany! Same-sex marriage is officially legal. 2. Drew Adams, 16, is suing his Florida school district for not...
Atlanta Gay Chamber LGBT Business Summit to explore rise of ‘rainbow economy’ Dionne Walker Atlanta June 8, 2017 0When it comes to finding LGBT-owned businesses to support in Atlanta, one doesn’t have to look far. From seasoned city...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, Feb. 17 Georgia Voice 5 LGBT Things February 17, 2017 01. Remember that florist in Washington state who refused service to a gay couple in 2013? The state Supreme Court...
Melissa Carter: Confessions of an infomercial fanatic Melissa Carter Outspoken February 16, 2017 0Your vote comes in the form of your dollar: spend money on the things you find important and ignore the...
Patrick Saunders: Money matters, progress and coming out on the other side Patrick Saunders Editorials February 16, 2017 0I’ll be honest – putting together our annual financial (or “Pink Dollar”) issue is a stone-cold bummer. Taxes and money...
Simon Williamson: Pink dollars and averages Simon Williamson Out in the Wild February 18, 2016 0Winter is a nice time to reflect on how much prep we put into summer bodies. While the rest of...
LGBT money: The truth by the numbers Dyana Bagby Atlanta February 19, 2015 0A myth exists that many lesbian and gay people make more than their heterosexual counterparts. Some of the stats do...