With the news that former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has suspended his presidential campaign, it's now all but certain that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will secure the 2012 GOP presidential nomination to challenge President Barack Obama this November.
The other two remaining GOP candidates, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich have about as much chance to claim the GOP nomination as you or I do. It's now the Mitt Romney show.
Romney has been the front-runner since he claimed the early Florida primary and its 50 winner-take-all delegates.
“I like Mitt Romney as much as one really good-looking man can like a really good-looking man and not break Texas law.”
— Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a former GOP presidential hopeful who touted his opposition to gay issues during his campaign, commenting on fellow presidential contender Mitt Romney at March 24 dinner. (Advocate, March 26)
“Animal husbandry — That sounds like what Rick Santorum thinks gay marriage leads to.”
— Former GOP presidential Rick Perry, referring to his college major while making a gay joke about another Republican rival during the same dinner. (Advocate, March 26)
Soulforce, an organization dedicated to fighting anti-LGBT religious and political oppression, brought its Equality Ride to Georgia earlier this month, attending a protest, speaking at colleges and attending town halls during its four-day trek through the Peach State.
This year marks the second year that the Equality Ride passed through Georgia. It began in 2006 and has seen more than 100 riders participating in dialogue in more than 50 schools across the country.
For J. Mason, co-director of the Equality Ride, the highlight of the visit was a meeting with the president of Carver College, Robert Crummie. Mason, 27, identifies as transmasculine.
YouthPride, 'Rick Bus,' Brandon White and more...
Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney claimed six of yesterday's 11 primaries to come away the evening's big winner.
Romney won a majority vote in Alaska, Idaho, Ohio, Virginia, Massachuettes and Vermont. Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum claimed the top spot in North Dakota, Oklahoma and Tennessee.
Voters here in Georgia decidedly chose former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who claimed nearly half of all the GOP's primary ballots cast in his home state.
Romney finished second in Georgia, with 25.9 percent of the votes cast. Santorum finished third with 19.6 percent and Libertarian-leaning Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tx.) finished fourth with a mere 6.5 percent of the total, according to the Associated Press.