Ryan Lee: On LGBT rights, Scalia was the supreme loser Ryan Lee Outspoken February 22, 2016 0Given his lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, there was no way Justice Antonin Scalia was going to end...
Question of sex discrimination takes spotlight in same-sex marriage fight Lisa Keen Marriage May 15, 2015 0The U.S. Supreme Court has almost certainly made its decision about the right to marry for same-sex couples. The justices...
Supreme Court appears divided over same-sex marriage Lisa Keen Marriage April 28, 2015 0The first question from the U.S. Supreme Court bench April 28 was about the rights of states to regulate marriage,...
Georgia AG Sam Olens says marriage never meant ‘as extending to same-sex couples’ Dyana Bagby Georgia October 22, 2014 0Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens shows no sign of backing down from defending the state’s same-sex marriage ban despite the...
Lambda Legal introduces plaintiffs in class-action Ga. gay marriage lawsuit Patrick Saunders Atlanta April 22, 2014 0Earlier this morning, Lambda Legal introduced the plaintiffs and officially announced the filing of their class-action lawsuit which aims to...
Lambda Legal promises announcement ‘very soon’ on a Ga. marriage lawsuit Patrick Saunders Georgia April 10, 2014 0Almost every week, a new one appears. At first it made sense. Colorado. Oregon. Wisconsin. But then, wait—Mississippi? Florida? Alabama?...
U.S. Supreme Court to hear Prop. 8, DOMA cases The Georgia Voice Editors National December 7, 2012 0The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of same-sex marriage, as well as Proposition 8, the ballot initiative which ended gay marriage in California.