Should Ernie and Bert get married, or should gay folks leave them alone?

Re: “ petition aims to out Bert and Ernie” (, Aug. 10)

"Yes, they already live together. Might as well!"

"There is a time to push the envelope and then time to leave some things alone. I personally think this is one of times it should be left alone. Choose your battles wisely."

Speaking Out: Readers react to Bert and Ernie, GOProud and Hillary

“Leave the damn Muppets alone. Everything in the entire world is not gay. Straight people do still exist. That’s just stupid. This type of extremist behavior is the crap that prevents us from having equal rights. Get real! Leave PBS alone.”

“How is it that “getting married” equals being out? How about they just wear “Silence = Death” t-shirts instead?”

“Have you seen the inside of their apartment? How about those eyebrows?! No gay man I know would live in such a drab environment with an unkempt physical appearance. I’m willing to bet they are just roommates.”

“This was amusing until more than one person on my friends list posted a petition with the comment headline, “Stop Homophobia on Sesame Street.” It turned into insanity for me at that point. People do need to wake up, wise up and choose real battles. They are puppets not humans!”

GOProud crazy to call Ann Coulter a ‘gay icon’

Re: “‘Gay Icon’ Ann Coulter joins GOProud’s advisory board” (, Aug. 9)

“I have personally never understood GOProud or Log Cabin Republicans. People voting their purse and not their rights is beyond me.”

“We are talking about Ann Coulter, who is not an “ally” but more like an “Alli,” like the diet pill with the side effects. Ann Coulter is the side effect of taking an “Alli” pill.”

“This is insanity. Did you see her interview were she claims that she talked GOProud out of gay marriage? Self-deprecating pushovers will never transform the GOP and make it more inclusive.”

Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama: Should they face off in Democratic Primary?

Re: “If Clinton challenged Obama for the 2012 nomination, who would you vote for? And would this help or hurt the Democrats, who are definitely better on LGBT issues than the leading GOP candidates?” (discussion at, Aug. 8)

“I would vote for her and, no, it would not hurt Democrats.”

“I wish she was the current president. I think she would be totally out of her mind to get involved in the 2012 election. It’s going to be one of the messiest ones that we’ve ever had.”

“It would totally hurt Democrats. Look what Kennedy challenging Carter did. The grass is always sunnier on the other side of the street, but there is no way to know that she would have been any better than Obama, especially since it was under her husband we got DADT and DOMA.”

“Primary challenge between Hillary and Obama + Tea Bagger insanity = President Bachmann.”


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