1. “America has left the leaders of the Republican Party behind. We need to reject politicians who are supporting new forms of discrimination as a way to scare up votes. That's not how we move America forward." President Obama tore into Ben Carson and the GOP at Sunday's Democratic National Committee LGBT Gala in New York City.
2. "Conscientious objection must enter into every juridical structure because it is a right.” Pope Francis said today that government officials have a “human right” to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples if it violates their conscience.
3. "I believe we should leave kids in peace. We should give them a chance to grow, help them to realize who they are and decide for themselves. Do they consider themselves a man or a woman? A female? A male? Do they want to live in a normal, natural marriage or a non-traditional one? That's the only thing I wanted to talk about. I don't see here any infringement on the rights of gay people." Russian President Vladimir Putin talks about his country's “gay propaganda” law on “60 Minutes.”
4. "You guys gave me so much power this weekend!!! All I had to do was say one word and I moved a whole community. What weaklings!!! And this blood moon is a BONUS on top of it all!!!! If I am to be a part of an LGBT community I want to be in it with people who aren't so weak or so easily moved ya know.” Bisexual rapper Azealia Banks, who again called someone a “faggot” (this time in a recent video showing a confrontation between her and a flight attendant), did not back down on Twitter, saying she would like to pepper spray “a gay man in the fact” and that the gay men criticizing her need to “toughen up.”
5. VIDEO OF THE DAY: Out writer Andrew Sullivan explains the rules of Catholicism for gay people to Stephen Colbert.