Players of the anti-LGBTQ video game “Angry Goy II”, which is being promoted by white supremacist Christopher Cantwell, kill revelers in a Pulse-like nightclub, reported Gay Star News.
Cantwell, host of the podcast Radical Agenda, became virally known as the “Crying Nazi” when he posted a video last year sobbing for fear of being arrested after the Charlottesville rally. He recently promoted the video game, which is a sequel to the 2017 antisemitic game “Angry Goy.”
In the first installment of the game, players could shove Jewish people into ovens. In the sequel, there are several levels where players can target different minorities, including shooting LGBTQ people dead in a setting similar to Orlando’s Pulse nightclub, a gay bar where 49 people were shot dead in 2016.
According to Raw Story, trailers for the original “Angry Goy” were pulled from YouTube for violating rules regarding hate speech. However, PinkNews found multiple videos still up on the site promoting the game.
Cantwell posted about the game on Gab, a social media network promoting free speech, saying, “All white men should hunt down and mercilessly kill” sexual, racial, and ethnic minorities, identifying them with racist, homophobic, and transphobic slurs.
“Instead of taking out your frustrations on actual humans beings, you can fight mongrels and degenerates on your computer!” his promotion continued. “Use guns, knives, pepper spray, and more!”
The “free speech” site was reported shut down after the alleged Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter posted on it before attacking the Tree of Life temple, however the site is now back online.
In an article by the New York Post, white-supremacist-turned-peace-activist Christian Picciolini explained that far-right groups often use video games to target and radicalize children, particularly young, isolated white men. Picciolini revealed that these groups have targeted players of games such as Fortnite, Minecraft, and Call of Duty.