The Log Cabin Republicans came out in full force defense of City Council Post 2 At-Large candidate Mary Norwood after the Democratic Party of Georgia took out ads accusing the former council member and mayoral candidate of, well, perhaps being a Republican — a similar tactic, and ad, used against her mayoral run in 2009.
In a tough battle for the City Council against incumbent, and Democrat, Aaron Watson, the state Democratic Party felt there was enough of a threat to put out an ad and remind people that Norwood just might be a Republican. Of course, it should be pointed out that the City Council races are non-partisan. The election is Nov. 5.
A messy divorce, a gay cousin from DeKalb County who traveled to New York to get legally married, the influence of young Democrats, being a self-proclaimed "bald-head fat redneck" — these are the reasons DuBose Porter, the new chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia, gave as to how he evolved on the issue on marriage equality.
Porter spoke about his "evolution" at today's Democratic Party LGBT Caucus meeting where he spoke openly and frankly about his past and what he hopes for the future of the party on progressive issues, including gay marriage.
DuBose Porter, former Speaker of the House of the Georgia General Assembly, was elected to lead the Democratic Party of Georgia on Aug. 31. And he says he has evolved on marriage equality and is putting his anti-gay past — including in 2004 voting twice in favor to support the state's constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage — behind him.
After the GA Voice asked today about his position on marriage equality, Porter issued this statement late today:
"My opinion on marriage equality has evolved like most everyone else’s in the country. People need the right to marry who they love. Period," he said.