1. Americans narrowly favor marriage equality, but most also think that wedding-related businesses should be able to deny services to gay couples and that local officials and judges with religious objections shouldn’t be required to perform same-sex weddings.
2. Lesbian Houston Mayor Annise Parker has been named the country’s top mayor.
3. “Yes, it’s natural to be curious about whether someone is expecting, ill or transitioning, but my advice is ironclad: Check your curiosity and hold your tongue. And when in doubt, choose to be kind.” As Bruce Jenner prepares to come out as trans, the Washington Post gives tips on civilities when it comes to transgender etiquette.
4. “With the sheer amount of visibility the wedding special affords, it’s a landmark moment when it comes to the gay civil rights movement. It’s also a landmark moment in matrimonial publicity.” The Daily Beast on why Lance Bass’s televised wedding matters.
5. VIDEO OF THE DAY: “This video shows my dreams that one day gay men and women and transgender men and women all over the world, like all our straight families and friends, will be able to get married under any roof, in any city, in any town, in any village, in any country.” Openly gay hit singer Sam Smith, posting on Instagram about the video for his latest song, “Lay Me Down.”