Same-sex marriage support reaches all-time high in America

U.S. Citizens now back gay marriage in record numbers, a new poll says. The Gallup organization’s annual Value and Morals poll tells no lies: 67 percent of Americans agree that same-sex marriage ought to be legally valid, the law of the land.

Needless to say, this is the highest number ever recorded number for the institution of same-sex marriage. The poll was conducted between May 1-May 10.

Gallup’s same-sex marriage question dates back to the year 1996. That’s when the organization began posing the query in their survey. Back then, the whole sum of pro-marriage respondents amounted to 27 percent.

But twenty years on, the approval rating has zoomed up 40 points. That puts it well above last year’s result of 64 percent—which, in turn, was well above the 2016 result.

Support grows, and it grows among the three demarcated segments of the public: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. For Dems, the number is at 84 percent: a record. Independents count their agreement at 71 percent.

And Republicans are getting close to half-support for same-sex marriage, at 44 percent.

According to Gallup, one of the biggest reasons for increased support is the visibility and propinquity of same-sex marriages over the last several years: “This means that Americans are more likely to know someone who has married a same-sex partner, and the visibility of these marriages may be playing a role in overturning some folks’ previously held opposition to their legal status.”

Additionally, millennials approve of the cause in record numbers.