The Atlanta Police Department’s LGBT Advisory Board will meet Monday, Jan. 31, after the board’s previous meeting was postponed due to the early January snowstorm.

The group will meet at Atlanta City Hall in City Council Committee Room 2 at 7 p.m.

The meeting follows the Atlanta Citizens Review Board’s recent recommendations that the supervisors of the raid on the Atlanta Eagle in September 2009 receive letters of reprimand and training on the 4th Amendment.

Atlanta Police LGBT Advisory Board to weigh proposed Eagle raid punishments

Members of the CRB are scheduled to attend the meeting to give updates on the specifics of their recommendations. The LGBT advisory board will then consider a motion to support the CRB findings “and talk about gaining community support to encourage APD Chief Turner to accept these findings,” according to Glen Paul Freedman, chair of the APD LGBT board.

Also scheduled to be discussed are traffic/DUI checkpoints and updates to the APD’s LGBT training. There will also be an opportunity to for community members to raise concerns before the board.