1. Tennessee’s Sen. Mark Green is Donald Trump’s pick as the next Army secretary — he would succeed Eric Fanning, the first openly gay leader of a US military branch — and equality advocates are not happy. Human Rights Campaign explains some of the reasons why.
2. People are disgusted and outraged after hearing how Karen Kigpen, an employee at the Oklahoma state capitol, treated a group of visiting LGBT students. In an email sent to members of the legislature and their staffs, Kigpen warned them about the ladies room, saying “there are cross-dressers in the building.”
3. In Thailand, 21-year-old men must report for military service: volunteering for up to two years, or taking their chances in a lottery where they have a 50/50 chance of going home or serving for two years. Transwomen are also required to report for the draft, and must serve unless they can prove to the government they’re not faking their transition to avoid being in the army.
4. Psychologist Julie Skagel takes a look at how gendered toys affect her children, and why parents should be aware of what their kids are playing with.
5. VIDEO OF THE DAY: The staff of the app SCRUFF traveled to New Delhi, India, to put on a “Dance for Pride” event. The event was organized by nonprofit Those in Need and featured a flashmob of LGBT volunteers dancing to the beats of Dhol.