Outspoken: Katy Perry, Sir Elton John, Sir Ian McKellen and more…

“We are here to demonstrate against the pope’s visit and call for a change in the mentality of the Catholic institution which still opposes our right to different ways of loving.”

Sergi Diaz, one of about 200 protesters who countered Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to Barcelona, Spain, with a same-sex kiss-in as his “Pope mobile” rode down the street. (AFP via Deutsche Welle, Nov. 7)

“I don’t think any gay person is going to be happy and bring joy to themselves and other people unless they can be honest about their sexuality, and if other people don’t like that honestly, that’s a comment on them and not on the person who is being honest.”

— Actor Sir Ian McKellen, who came out in 1988, expressing his fear that some managers and agents continue to pressure gay actors not to come out. (Popeater.com, Nov. 5)

“Death threats, and the now-worldwide controversy surrounding your election of me as bishop, have been a constant strain, not just on me, but on my beloved husband, Mark, who has faithfully stood with me every minute of the last seven years, and in some ways, you.”

— U.S. Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson, who became the Anglican Communion’s first openly gay bishop in 2003, announcing his retirement seven years early
(The Guardian, Nov. 7)


Top photo: Singer Katy Perry (via Facebook)