5 LGBT things you need to know today, June 24 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things June 24, 2016 01. “They stood up and spoke out. The riots became protests, the protests became a movement. The movement ultimately became...
National LGBT Pride: Central Alabama Pride raises hope for Birmingham, surrounding cities J. Matthew Cobb Atlanta Pride June 23, 2016 0Pride celebrations are multiplying at a rapid pace across the globe, even in the most peculiar of places, such as...
Ryan Lee: Death before dishonor Ryan Lee Outspoken June 23, 2016 0The line that forms outside of Bulldogs on weekends tells a story of gay fear, progress and hope. Instead of...
Simon Williamson: Taking refuge in gay spaces Simon Williamson Out in the Wild June 23, 2016 0We go to gay bars to get away from everyone else, so the shooting in Orlando was an assault on...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, June 23 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things June 23, 2016 01. Meet Erin O’Flaherty, the first openly gay Miss America contestant. 2. The NYPD unveiled a rainbow-themed vehicle before the...
Darian Aaron: America, your hands are not clean in Orlando massacre Darian Aaron Editorials June 23, 2016 0On Sunday, June 12 at 7:17 a.m., I awoke to a frantic text message from my best friend of over...
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, LGBT leaders meet to discuss safety post-Orlando Darian Aaron Atlanta June 22, 2016 0Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed met with 35 LGBT leaders and business owners on June 21 to discuss public safety concerns...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, June 22 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things June 22, 2016 01. Media Matters for America analyzed cable news coverage of the Orlando shootings and found that Fox News significantly underrepresented...
5 LGBT things you need to know today, June 21 Patrick Saunders 5 LGBT Things June 21, 2016 01. “As people milled about not really dancing, the bar’s TVs, which usually play remixes of pop videos, were playing...
5 LGBT Things you need to know today, June 16 Darian Aaron 5 LGBT Things June 16, 2016 01.”On Tuesday, less than three days after Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo’s brutal murder, his grandmother, heartbroken and alone, boarded a flight to Orlando...
Atlanta man threatens to make two local gay bars ‘the next Orlando’ Patrick Saunders Atlanta June 15, 2016 0The Atlanta Police Department confirmed they are investigating a gay Atlanta man who tweeted that he would make two local...